7 Mayıs 2008 Çarşamba

Pelvic Pain

Chronic pelvic pain (CPP) is characterized by pain in the lower abdomen and pelvic area that has been present for at least six months. Sometimes the pain may travel downward into the legs or around to the lower back. The pain may be felt all of the time or it may come and go, perhaps recurring or intensifying each month with your menstrual period.

In either case, the pain is felt internally, not externally as in another common pain disorder in women called vulvodynia. In vulvodynia (or burning vulva syndrome), the external genital area stings, itches, becomes irritated or hurts when any kind of pressure, from tight clothing to intercourse, is experienced. Chronic pelvic pain and vulvodynia sometimes occur together.

Women with CPP have one or more of the following symptoms:

Abnormal menstrual periods

painful periods (dysmenorrhea)

prolonged periods

heavy periods

premenstrual spotting

severe cramps


constant or intermittent pelvic pain

low backache for several days before period, subsiding once period starts

pain during intercourse (rarely, some vaginal bleeding after intercourse)

pain on urination and/or during bowel movements (rarely, blood in urine or stool)

rectal itching or burning

vaginismus -- difficulty initiating sexual intercourse

The course of CPP is unpredictable and different in every woman. Symptoms may stay constant, disappear without treatment or suddenly increase. They usually decrease during pregnancy and improve after menopause.

The severity of pain is also unpredictable. It may range -- even in the same woman -- from mild and tolerable to so severe it interferes with your normal activities. Your physical or mental state can also cause the level of pain to fluctuate. So can fatigue, stress and depression. Moderate to severe pain generally requires medical or surgical treatment, although such therapies are sometimes unsuccessful at relieving pain entirely.

Unrelieved, unrelenting pelvic pain may affect your sense of well being, as well as your work, recreation and personal relationships. You may begin to limit your physical activities and show signs of depression (including sleep problems, eating disorders and constipation); and your sex life and role in the family may change.

When pelvic pain leads to such emotional and behavioral changes, the International Pelvic Pain Society (IPPS) calls the condition "chronic pelvic pain syndrome" and says that the "pain itself has become the disease." In other words, the pain is more of a problem than the original cause. In fact, a medical examination may find nothing physically wrong with the area that hurts. Nonetheless, the nerve signals in that area continue to fire off pain messages to the brain, and you continue to hurt.

Causes and Risk Factors
There are two kinds of pain. Acute pain typically occurs with an injury, illness or infection. A warning signal that something is wrong, it lasts only as long as it takes for the injured tissue to recover. In contrast, chronic pain lasts long after recovery from the initial injury or infection, and is often associated with a chronic disorder or underlying condition.

The most common cause of pelvic pain is endometriosis, in which pieces of the lining of the uterus attach to other organs or structures within the abdomen and grow outside the uterus. In practices specializing in the treatment of endometriosis, 70 percent or more of patients with CPP are diagnosed with endometriosis. And in three major studies conducted since 1989, 71 to 83 percent of patients with chronic pelvic pain had endometriosis, either alone or in combination with one or more other disorders. Two of those disorders are adhesions (scar tissue resulting from previous abdominal or pelvic surgery) and fibroids (clumps of tissue that grow inside, in the wall of, or on the surface of the uterus).

The second most common cause of CPP is pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). PID is one of the most common gynecologic conditions, usually related to a sexually transmitted disease. As many as 30 percent of women with PID develop CPP [However, we don't know exactly why PID so often leads to CPP.

Other causes of CPP are diagnosed more frequently by other kinds of specialists. They include diseases of the urinary tract or bowel as well as hernias, slipped discs, drug abuse, fibromyalgia, and psychological problems. (See the Diagnosis section at this Web site for a more complete discussion of all causes.)

In fact, many women with CPP collect a different diagnosis from each specialist they see. What is going on here? It is likely that CPP represents a general abnormality in the way the nervous system processes pain signals from the pelvic nerves, producing pain that involves the genital organs, the bladder, the intestine, pelvic and hip muscles, and the wall of the abdomen, as well as pain involving the back and legs.

Despite the number of possible causes, up to 61 percent of women with chronic pelvic pain receive no diagnosis. These are often the women who make the rounds of various specialists seeking relief, only to be told the pain is "all in their heads." They may also be subjected to multiple tests or even unnecessary surgery. These women may feel that the pain is somehow their fault, when, in fact, the lack of a diagnosis represents the limitations of medical science.

Simply put, there is no simple answer to the question, "What causes chronic pelvic pain?" and no "typical patient." Still, a woman with pelvic pain is more likely to:

have been sexually or physically abused

be married rather than single or divorced

be in her early 30s

be white rather than from another racial group

have a history of drug and alcohol abuse

have sexual dysfunction

have a mother or sister with chronic pelvic pain

have history of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)

have had abdominal or pelvic surgery or radiation therapy

have previous or current diagnosis of depression

have a structural abnormality of the uterus, cervix or vagina.

Some of these, like family history, surgery and PID, are obvious risk factors; others (drug abuse, depression) may be risk factors or result from having chronic pain.

The Impact of Chronic Pelvic Pain
According to the IPPS, up to 15 percent of 18- to 50-year-old American women have chronic pelvic pain. It is also one of the most common reasons American women see a physician, accounting for 10 percent of gynecologic office visits, up to 40 percent of laparoscopies, and 12 to 16 percent of hysterectomies in the U.S. Total treatment costs may run as high as $2.8 billion annually.

The cost to the patient is also enormous. Studies and surveys show that a quarter of affected women are incapacitated by pain two to three days each month. More than twice that many are forced to curtail their normal activities one or two days each month. Nine of 10 women with chronic pelvic pain have pain during intercourse. More than half say they have significant emotional changes, many reporting they feel "downhearted and blue" at least some of the time. For many, the pain and underlying conditions lead to fertility problems, just at the age when they want children.

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