Asthma is a lung condition that makes the primary airways -- known as the bronchi -- in the lungs swollen and inflamed all of the time. People who have asthma are more sensitive than other people to things inhaled from the environment, known as triggers. These triggers make the muscles in an asthma sufferer's lungs tighten, constricting the air passages and making breathing difficult. In addition, cells in the lungs produce more mucus in response to a trigger. The mucus clogs up the bronchial tubes, which contributes to breathing problems. The airways also swell and become inflamed with white blood cells. When the lungs react to a trigger, what's known as an "asthma attack" occurs. Wheezing, coughing, and/or tightness in the chest and shortness of breath are all hallmark symptoms of a classic asthma attack. This life-long condition can't be cured, but it can be controlled with the proper diagnosis and treatment. The National Center for Health Statistics (a division of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) estimates that 20.3 million Americans suffer from asthma. The condition is becoming more common and more severe, especially among children and African Americans, according to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI), National Institutes of Health (NIH). Asthma typically develops during childhood. According to the NHLBI, 6.3 million children under 18 report having asthma. But many people develop the condition later in life-known as adult onset asthma. Individuals age 65 and older suffer the highest rates of asthma. Some individuals have their first asthma attack after age 50. Who's At Risk? Obesity significantly increases a person's risk of developing the condition. Heredity is also thought to play a role. Children of parents with asthma are at greater risk for developing the condition. Pollution, poor air quality in urban environments, poverty and lack of patient education are also factors contributing to rising asthma and asthma-related complication rates. People who have allergies have the greatest risk of developing asthma, and those raised in environments where they were exposed to cigarette smoke also have a much higher incidence of the condition. Women and Asthma Women may first develop asthma during or after pregnancy, though the condition may also improve during pregnancy. There is some evidence that asthma may be affected by hormonal changes during a woman's cycle and can be triggered prior to or during the menstrual period. Women are 25 percent more likely than men to die from asthma, according to the National Center for Health Statistics. Researchers aren't sure why some people's airways are more sensitive to things in the environment. Asthma sufferers may have allergies to certain substances, known as allergens, which can trigger an attack. But, not all asthma sufferers have defined allergies. Common Asthma Triggers Common allergens include: dust mites, mold, pollen, certain foods or chemicals commonly used in food processing and feather bedding. Contrary to popular belief, dog and cat fur don't cause allergies. Rather, a protein found in the pet's saliva, dander and urine causes allergies in some individuals, according to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology (AAAI). Other things can irritate the already-sensitive air passages of asthma or allergy sufferers. Common irritants include cigarette smoke, perfumes, cold air, exercise and pollution. Controlling asthma includes short-term relief of symptoms and long-term strategies to prevent attacks from occurring. Medications and behavioral approaches, such as avoiding asthma triggers, for example, are both important to managing asthma successfully. Another critical part of asthma management is education and close consultation with your health care team. New medications are available and older methods are being improved. Asthma symptoms that recur frequently, even when medication is taken regularly, can be a sign that a re-assessment with a health care professional is necessary.
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