7 Mayıs 2008 Çarşamba

Tips for Treating the Flu

Unlike some other infections, when the flu is uncomplicated, it doesn't usually require medical treatment. Your child's doctor may prescribe an antiviral medicine (if symptoms are reported within 48 hours of the onset of illness), but these medicines usually only shorten the course of the infection by just 1 or 2 days, and most times are only used when a child is at risk of serious complications.So how can you help your child feel better in the meantime?Offer your child plenty of fluids (fever, which can be associated with the flu, can lead to dehydration). If your child is tired of drinking plain water, try ice pops, icy drinks mixed in a blender, and soft fruits (like melons or grapes) to keep him or her hydrated.Encourage your child to rest in bed or on the couch, with a supply of magazines, books, quiet music, and perhaps a favorite movie.Give acetaminophen or ibuprofen for your child's aches and pains (do not give aspirin unless your child's doctor directs you to do so).Dress your child in layers. When your child feels warm, you can peel a layer or two, and when he or she feels chilly, layers can be easily added.Have your child call a close relative or far-away friend to help lift your child's spirits.Help your child by taking care of yourself and the other people in your family! If you haven't done so, ask your doctor whether you (and other family members) should get a flu shot. Also, wash your hands thoroughly and often, especially after picking up used tissues.If your child's doctor recommends a prescription medicine to ease your child's symptoms, be sure to call before you go to your local pharmacy. Because the flu can strongly affect many areas of the United States, many pharmacies may have difficulty keeping certain medicines in stock.

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